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Secret negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel were going on for a long time. Recently, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave clear indications that they are close to an agreement. The future of these negotiations is now uncertain due to the October 7 Palestinian attack on Israel. The question is, was the attack wrong? No, since the Palestinians were not a party to these negotiations and were not taken into account, they were not obligated to care about any negotiation process.
Some fools argue that the recent attack is an “attack on peace”. The question is which peace? First of all, one has to understand the situation in Palestine and then one has to take a stand. The Palestinians have been in a state of war for 75 years and this war was not initiated by them but was imposed on them by Israel. There are certain principles for establishing states in the world. And these principles are protected by international laws. Instead of these methods for establishing Israel, it was preferred to become a “land mafia” to seize lands and create a state.
It is true that the Zionists initially bought some land and the Palestinians were foolish enough to sell their land at good prices. Now, if you think about it, one of the recognized ways for a new state to come into existence in the world is that the inhabitants of a region ask for independence from their country by saying that our religion and culture are different so, we need a separate country. If the buyers of Palestinian lands had stayed in the Palestinian state for a while and demanded secession according to the same principle, it would still have been considered reasonable. However the Zionists had British support, so instead of doing so, it was preferred to create an illegitimate state.
They thought that the poor Palestinians would forget everything after some time but, but it turned out to be their wishful thinking.
Observers of the Palestinian issue are aware that after the purchase of some lands, regular Zionist terrorist organizations were formed to occupy the remaining lands. And these organizations had taken the path of the massacre of Palestinians. The same organizations went on to become Israel’s army. In response, the Palestinians also had to take organizational support to defend themselves. The problem now is that Israel has apparently completed its state. So Tel Aviv wants “peace” to be established now so that its hold can be consolidated. And to establish this peace promotes terrorism. Israel believes that the Palestinians will compromise due to fear of this terrorism. But the Palestinians do not care about their terrorism. They still have the same position as they had 75 years ago.
The point to understand in this whole situation is that there is no ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Yes, there are sometimes long and sometimes short breaks in war. Therefore, to say that the Palestinians attacked peace on October 7 is pure nonsense. The region is constantly in a state of war and after a break in this war, the Palestinians have launched a major and successful attack. Through this attack, they have not only jammed the whole of Israel but have exposed every corner of it to the worst chaos. Only one organization, with very limited resources, cut off the nose of nuclear Israel and placed it on its hands. And Netanyahu is saying:
“We will wipe out every hideout of terrorists”
If you had this ability, would these shelters have existed?
Were they made with your permission? Those who are aware of military mobilization know that when the regular army of one state mobilizes in the form of an attack against the regular army of another state, it is very fast. The situation here is that Palestine is not a regular state and it does not have an army. And Netanyahu has been saying this for five days now, “We are mobilizing the army.” The real problem is that they don’t have the courage to enter Gaza. Israel has made this mistake in both Gaza and Lebanon in the recent past and has suffered huge consequences.
Gaza is not just what it looks like on the ground. It also has a vast underground world. And that world is so full of tunnels that the Zionists can get into it but cannot get out. Palestinians are not children who did not know what would be the reaction of Israel. They were and are ready for every response. The only question is whether the Zionist army has the courage to enter Gaza. We are saying based on information that they are eagerly awaited there. Mothers are praying for them to enter Gaza. And Netanyahu knows this very well. That is why it has been said for five days that we are mobilizing the army.
This is not 1973. Then they were the Zionists who created Israel. Now it is their generation and the world knows that later generations are not as committed as the creators. In this current situation, there have been demonstrations in Israel against the bombing of Gaza, the participants of which were dispersed by the Israeli police. Did any Israeli do such demonstrations fifty years ago? Apparently, Israel is a modern country with nuclear power, but its status in the world is untouchable even after 75 years. Most of the world does not recognize it. If anything is recognized about it, it is only that it is a terrorist illegitimate state. A large number of highly influential Jews themselves consider it a terrorist state. On the other hand, the moral position of the Palestinians is that their supporters include not only people of every religion in the world but also many professed atheists. And this is because the mutual affairs of the nations are governed by international laws. And according to international law, Israel is nothing but an illegal and occupying state.
The solution to every problem in the world is communication. So we support all kinds of discussions in this regard. But the problem of Israel is that it is not even ready to imagine an independent Palestinian state. Tel Aviv just wants Muslim countries to accept him. And for that, it uses all its energy. Only then can it expect to end his untouchability. Why did Israel’s negotiations with Saudi Arabia take so many years? Is there a conflict between Israel and Saudi Arabia? Israel still occupies the land of Syria and Jordan. Nothing was captured of Saudi Arabia, still, despite the passage of so much time, why was there still a narrative of “we are close to an agreement”?
Because the Saudis also know that the real parties are the Palestinians. If they reject the agreement, there will be no peace, but the Palestinians will be isolated and this isolation will take all the air out of the balloon of Arab nationalism and the Saudis will be hated in the Non- Arab Muslim world. The situation of Saudi Arabia is not like that of the UAE or Turkey. It is the center of Muslims all over the world because of the two holy sites and this center cannot risk a deal that has nothing for the Palestinians. So the only option left to the untouchables of the Middle East is to accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestine. Otherwise, his nose will be cut off daily and he will remain untouchable forever.