گزشتہ کئی دنوں سے سوشل میڈیا پر ’ڈونٹ وری ڈارلنگ‘ کررہا ہے۔
سوشل میڈیا پر ڈونٹ وری ڈارلنگ کے ٹرینڈ ہونے کی وجہ یہ سامنے آئی ہے کہ اس کی ہدایت کار اولیویا وائلڈز نے فلم کے اداکاروں کے ذریعے سے غیر ضروری توجہ حاصل کرنے کی کوشش کی تھی جو کہ سوشل میڈیا صارفین کو بالکل پسند نہیں آئی۔
سوشل میڈیا صارفین اس رویےپر خاصے برہم ہیں، آیئے اُن کے تبصروں پر ایک نظر ڈالتے ہیں:
Olivia Wilde is the type of woman that makes other women [in the industry] look bad. how fucking messy is she? Hiring Shia. Fucking an actor on her movie. Throwing his female co star under the bus; now FP isn’t going to do press ? #DontWorryDarling
— chronically online (@candelabra007) August 26, 2022
The audacity to pay Florence less than half of what Harry’s getting when that’s his acting?? Compared to hers!?!
Pay her what she deserves#DontWorryDarling
— Dayna (@Daynacaitlin) August 24, 2022
I dont give 2 craps that Olivia Wilde used her movie to hire a hot young guy she then cheated on her husband with. I care that she is using a female led project to pay an Oscar nominated actress a fraction of her male supporting actor while saying girl power. #DontWorryDarling
— chicagojewlz (@Chicagojewlz) August 24, 2022
The audacity to pay Florence less than half of what Harry’s getting when that’s his acting?? Compared to hers!?!
Pay her what she deserves#DontWorryDarling
— Dayna (@Daynacaitlin) August 24, 2022
this looks like when the actually talented girl in GCSE drama gets put in a group with the guy who took GCSE drama as a joke. Florence Pugh is too good for this 😭 #DontWorryDarling https://t.co/FZhrJbSRm3
— lewis 🍿 (@lewisjwr) August 24, 2022
TMC stands with Florence Pugh in the matters of #DontWorryDarling . A film is the work of all artists and to demean any one of them for whatever reason demeans the movie. Olivia Wilde may have had her reasons but Florence has the right to not attend press conferences. pic.twitter.com/gaXGUgBySr
— The Movie Culture (@themovieculture) August 27, 2022
Every single Warner Bros movie is surrounded with bad drama. Like I don’t know what kind of evil was happening backstage for this much karma to hit them in one year.. #DontWorryDarling
— Rana (@RanaMHelal) August 26, 2022
So many things have been wrong with #DontWorryDarling and if Flo wasn’t in this film I wouldn’t watch it.
From the female lead being underpaid, to the director’s unprofessional actions and the video that came out today… all just a mess. pic.twitter.com/ttMbdmrqys— 🦋 (@belovastrilogy) August 27, 2022
Olivia Wilde’s framing of #DontWorryDarling as a vehicle of female pleasure—knowing the concept & plot—is one of the most troubling publicity angles I’ve ever seen. You don’t need a conspiracy theory to see why the film’s star has distanced herself from the project and its press. https://t.co/ejAhP7W1wm
— Stephanie 🌈SELLING HARRY MSG TIX 9/14🌈 (@stephanie_pdx) August 24, 2022
In another example of “Warner Bros. can’t catch a break,” #DontWorryDarling is exactly what Hollywood is supposed to do (letting a promising ‘not a white guy’ director make an original, adult-skewing, non-franchise programmer) but the tabloid gossip is overshadowing the film.
— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) August 26, 2022