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Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the land of the Prophets is situated in Palestine. Al-Quds is a sacred land in the universe, the holiest place for Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
Indeed, Al-Quds is the first Qibla (direction of prayer) for Muslims. Before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Al-Quds was under the control of Christians. Muslims firmly believe that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) led all the Prophets in prayer in the sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque located in this holy land. It was under the leadership of Amir al-Mu’minin, Sayyidna Umar ibn Khattab (May Allah be Pleased With Him), that Al-Quds was conquered, and Muslims became the custodians of this sacred land.
Sheikh Muhiyuddin Ibn Arabi states that Al-Quds is a gift from Allah to His Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Caliph of the Muslims, Sayyidna Umar ibn Khattab (May Allah Be Pleased With Him), and its protection is a duty on every Muslim. In 1099, after massacring thousands of Muslims, Al-Quds was taken again, but the great Muslim conqueror Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi fought multiple battles and defeated the Crusaders, raising the banner of Islam over Al-Quds, establishing an era of peace.
After the Second World War, when the mighty Ottoman Empire fell, a shameful incident took place when the entire world, through cunning and deceit, initiated the establishment of Jewish settlements in Palestine, accompanied by the collaboration of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western powers. With extreme treachery, they have persecuted and humiliated the Palestinian Muslims, who have inhabited these lands for centuries. For decades, Jews have expelled Palestinians from the sacred land of Al-Quds, wounding and killing thousands, and rendering many homeless.
In recent days, Israel has once again initiated inhumane oppression in Gaza and Palestine. The Zionist forces are standing together with Israel, and it seems that they are determined to wipe out the Muslim population of Palestine. Due to the Israeli bombing, scores of neighborhoods in Gaza have been obliterated. Thousands of Palestinian children and adults have become martyrs and casualties due to Israeli airstrikes. It appears that Israel is conducting a genocide of Palestinians.
The ongoing conflict in Gaza and Palestine has been raging for more than 75 years, and a permanent solution seems elusive, largely due to the indifference and apathy of Arab rulers and, in general, Muslim rulers.
Is the Palestinian issue merely a political matter? Can the issue of Al-Quds be resolved through diplomacy? The international community, through the United Nations, has made numerous attempts to resolve the issue of Al-Quds, putting pressure on Israel to refrain from its war crimes, but have the Jews stopped? Israel has broken treaties multiple times. United Nations resolutions and the commitments of world leaders have been trampled upon.
The Arab countries and Muslim leaders need to set aside their differences and stand united for the stability and peace of Palestine. The manner in which America and other nations openly support Israel, Muslim leaders should openly support Palestine. Also, the Muslim community should boycott Israeli products and show solidarity with Gaza by rejecting Israeli products openly. For the protection of Al-Quds and Gaza, it is essential that we not only condemn but also follow the path of resistance and support against Israel.