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LAHORE: Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar has congratulated Traffic Warden Dr. Muhammad Abid Nazir on completion of his Ph.D degree during service.
During the meeting, IG Punjab gave Dr. Muhammad Abid Nazir a nameplate and presented him with a certificate of recognition for his exceptional achievement.
آئی جی پنجاب ڈاکٹر عثمان انور کی ٹریفک پولیس کے ہونہار وارڈن ڈاکٹر محمد عابد نذیر سے اپنے دفتر میں ملاقات، دوران سروس پی ایچ ڈی مکمل کرنے پر حوصلہ افزائی۔ آئی جی پنجاب نے اپنے ہاتھوں سے محمد عابد نذیر کے یونیفارم پر ڈاکٹر کے نام والی نیم پلیٹ چسپاں کی۔
ہونہار ٹریفک وارڈن نے…— Punjab Police Official (@OfficialDPRPP) July 11, 2023
Warden Nazir has spent 17 years working for the Traffic Police in Lahore. He completed his Masters in Criminology and Security Studies before earning his PhD in International Relations from Punjab University. Prior to that, Dr. Abid completed his MPhil in Peace and Conflict Studies at NDU. Dr. Abid Nazir also holds an LLB degree.
IG Punjab said that Dr. Muhammad Abid Nazir’s skill is attested to by his receipt of Masters, MPhil, and PhD degrees while serving, and educated and qualified officers and staff like Dr. Muhammad Abid Nazir are important resources for Punjab Police.
The process of fostering such skilled officers and bureaucrats will continue at all levels, according to IG Punjab. Dr. Muhammad Abid Nazir expressed gratitude to the Punjab Police Chief for the honour bestowed upon him.