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The world’s first ATM machine was installed in London on June 27, 1967. In that sense, today is the 55th anniversary of the ATM machine. The question is, what will happen to money transactions in the future? Let’s try to find out.
The history of mankind on earth spans millions of years. An important question is, when there was no currency in rupee or dollar, what was the status of the transaction?
The answer is that man traded on the basis of what could be called barter trading. Then man also traded on the basis of gold and diamond jewelry. With the passage of time came coins and currency which the government of the day used to guarantee the payment of gold in terms of currency and then in the 60s came the ATM machine.
Money is earned by inserting a card into an ATM machine, which has increased the importance of the card as compared to the currency as any person can have millions of crores of rupees or dollars in his account.
The most important question of the present age is how will the money be transacted in the future? So we have the example of cryptocurrency which no one has control over while money can also be mined from crypto.
Heavy-duty computers are used for mining, of which the graphics card is the most important because the graphics card of such computers is the most expensive.
It is said that in the future, paper currency will be phased out and relied entirely on cryptocurrency or computerized money, but mankind still has a long way to go.