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GENEVA: United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that the year 2020, which will end tonight was difficult, but next year is a ray of hope.
In a video message, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that last year had been full of trials and tribulations and that a global pandemic such as the coronavirus had wreaked havoc around the world, with new cases emerging.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations said that inequality, poverty, hunger, and destitution have increased worldwide, and insecurity and unemployment are everywhere. The world has learned to help each other because of a common disease like coronavirus, he said.
General Secretary Antonio Guterres said that scientists have shown the way to hope by developing the coronavirus vaccine in a short period of time. He wished the world a Happy New Year and said that we want the international community to achieve its goal of emitting carbon-free gases over the next 30 years, and to work together to prevent climate change and climate change, as well as the coronavirus.
Earlier, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the coronavirus had done a great deal of damage to tourism around the world. In a message on the social networking site Twitter in August this year, Antonio Guterres said that the tourism sector is of key importance in preserving the natural and cultural heritage, but the coronavirus has reduced the income of various countries.