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Other creatures of the world, after being born on earth, need to know their environment and their surrounding, but humans are different from all of them.
The threat of being victimized, attacked by others always remain, if other creatures fail in analyzing their surrounding environment they are living in.
On the other hand, human beings also face all these problems, but self-awareness is also very important for human beings, because they are full of emotions, feelings and thoughts and they can be taken away with the emotions and make wrong decisions.
In fact, self-awareness allows us to become more aware of our strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities, leading to a deeper understanding of what we can and cannot do as individuals.
Self-awareness enables us to understand how our actions affect others, thus we develop better relationships and communication with others.
What are we struggling with? Understanding this is essential to learning from the struggles of others. Self-control is the key to regulating our emotions and reactions, helping us avoid impulsive decisions and regrettable actions.
Self-awareness enhances decision-making skills by allowing us to be patient, considerate, and make rational choices instead of giving in to our emotions. Self-control gives us the strength to resist temptation. It reduces stress and anxiety, as we can better handle difficult situations and regulate our emotional responses.
Self-awareness builds patience and perseverance, essential qualities for achieving long-term success. It is is the foundation of discipline, which allows us to stick to routines and consistently work toward our desires.
It helps us overcome our bad habits and addictions, leading to a healthier and more balanced life. According to a Persian poet Hakeem Sani:
بر خود آرنرا کہ پادشاہی نیست
برگیا ہیش پادشاہ شمار
It means, a person who cannot control himself, consider him only a king of grass, which means he has no power of even a single straw.