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Ramzan is a holy month for Muslims, however, the non-Muslim community in Pakistan also participates by arranging Iftari for Muslims to boost interfaith harmony and as a goodwill gesture.
Pakistani Christians and Hindus provides free iftar on the roads of Karachi. This act is practiced to boost interfaith harmony in the city at places where there is a concentration of poor daily wagers, homeless people, widows, and other deserving people.
A group including Hindus, Christians and Muslims arrange a box of Iftar which contains food for a person and a pack of juice along with a water bottle. These groups go on the roads and distributing the boxes among the ‘Rozaedaar’ to break their fast.
Mansha Noor, a Christian man who is representative of the group beautifully explains how Pakistan and its religious groups are just like a flower bouquet and how each and every different flower has a purpose and significant role.
Not only iftar, but this group also hands over awareness pamphlets to ensure people adhere to coronavirus SOPs. This is indeed a goodwill gesture that shows that minorities are also an integral part of out society.