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Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain passed away, and his personal life, problems, shortcomings, and weaknesses all went with him. It is not appropriate to talk about them. The positive aspects of his life should be discussed or keeping silence is appropriate.
The life of prominent, important and distinguished personalities of the society is of course more than one, two aspects are also prominent in their departure from the world. On the one hand, human tragedy and in that sense, they become the subject of condolence and on the other hand, history. There are many lessons hidden in the rise and fall of such people. These aspects can be discussed. The precaution is that whatever is said should be polite and sincere so that the bereaved are not offended, and wait for the traditional three days of mourning to pass.
Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain is the name of a dramatic story of success, rise and then fall. A good drama about his life to highlight his life can be filmed. The entry of a young man from a middle-class political family on electronic media, success, popularity and then becoming a Member of Assembly, a Minister. The ministry ended on a statement given in emotion, also separation from politics. Then all the focus on TV and the extraordinarily popular anchor, the name as an entertainer, fame, and money to earn everything. Achieving celebrity status. Then there are personal issues, marriages, separations, issues, scandals, and declining reputations to reach the level of popular entertainment.
The same Aamir Liaquat history gave another chance. If he had become a member of the Assembly again, he would have got the ministry if he had focused on some seriousness, sobriety and public politics. Life’s hard journey may have caused some psychological disorders, which added to the complications.
If the life of Aamir Liaquat Hussain is examined then four conclusions are drawn, call them a lesson, the essence of life or something else.
This is a big mistake that many successful people make. Due to the skill with which they hit the field and make a name for themselves, the focus on this skill decreases due to various reasons. Dr. Amir Liaqat gained popularity, honor and fame through religious programs. Aalim Online was the program that made him Dr. Amir Liaquat Hussain.
He was a good man at heart and could rarely do any harm to anyone. Aamir Liaquat Hussain affected thousands, millions of people through this program. His image became that of a well-educated, serious-minded person, but also a religious scholar in the eyes of a circle.
He could have made more money if they had focused on it. He had oratory skills, could speak fluently, and with his hard work expanded his religious studies. He understood religious sensitivity, he also had the ability to enchant people emotionally. Unknowingly, they became anxious and eager to do more. He turned to the special color of Ramadan broadcasting by hosting a serious religious program. In fact, it was Amir Liaquat Hussain who established a new trend of Ramadan broadcasting which later reached entertainment.
Failed in creating sincere critics
Once upon a time, a scholar read a phrase that a great man is not the one who reached the heights and achieved immense success, but the great man is the one who remembers the past even at his height and can utter words of criticism. The mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail. They are surrounded by a new circle, usually flattering, parasitic and incompetent people. Old friends can talk openly, they can criticize sincerely and they can point out any mistake.
When you cut them off, the new circle doesn’t necessarily work. Then the man has to decide for himself how much he can tolerate positive criticism of himself. It is a common misconception that even the slightest criticism is bad after success.
Disturb your home
This is another mistake that successful and established people often make. They have prosperous and a laughing family. This peace and support helps them move forward. When money comes in hand, prosperity and appreciation are found, then many new kinds of attraction and incentive attack. These include a special kind of lifestyle, the use of the most expensive items and the inclination towards women.
His faithful, supportive wife is obviously not as attractive in some respects as a young girl of eighteen or twenty years in a marriage journey of fifteen or twenty years. He does not make a new marriage for his new generation to build a house, so the only criterion remains dazzling beauty and style.
This is where the catastrophe begins. In our family system, second marriage is not accepted under any circumstances. If it is done with someone’s dazzling beauty, then the man does not even look at his first wife. In this way the house is destroyed, children, rebels and close relatives etc. all go away.
Lack of support system
More or less every successful and famous person suffers from emotional crises at different stages of life. Success has a price of its own. It can squeeze the man emotionally as well as physically and mentally. Tired work, work pressure, fierce competition, conspiracies of those around you, random eating habits, unhealthy habits and so on. In such cases, if there is no support system, then there is a strong possibility of the collapse of the person. Loving wife, children, close relatives, sincere friends, worthy students, devoted assistants, etc. This is the support system that comes handy in difficult and difficult moments and protects one from falling.
This support system is very important. Some people’s marital life is disturbed, but they get the support of sincere friends, selfless students, and hard-working fans. When nothing happens, a well-to-do man suddenly falls down like a wood eaten by termites. Even people standing at some distance would be amazed at what happened.