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That is why Vladimir Putin is unwilling to accept “liberal democracy” in his country. He says, once we have experienced the external system, we will not make the mistake of taking another system from outside. The fact that you see Putin sometimes wrestling with a bear, playing judo, diving into the ocean and icy waters on a cold December night, is what he is trying to prove that he is not superfluous and history will remember him not for his philosophies but for his refusal to enslave Russia to the United States. There is regular propaganda in the Western media against this too. They make a big fuss about the fact that Putin is trying to prove that he is an “alpha male” with his gestures, walks, and gestures. The concept is used for the leader of animals that live in the form of a family. Their leader is the one who is physically stronger, more combative and protecting the family is his responsibility.
The Western media has no idea that Putin demonstrates his connection with Russian culture through his demonstrations of physical and nervous strength. So the Russians see him as a leader who is pure Russian. Its resistance to the West is not a war for oil or other resources like the United States and the West, but a war of pure ideology. We can better understand this from an incident in 2013 that caused a global upheaval.
As the 2014 Olympic Games approached in Russia, Vladimir Putin estimated that not only athletes from around the world come to the Games, but millions of tourists would also come. Of course, these athletes and tourists included people from the West. So shortly before the competition, Vladimir Putin enacted some new rules. These laws prohibit homosexuality and sexual activity in public places. Whereas in the West, sexual activity is permitted in public parks, bus stops, trains or anywhere else. The West legalized homosexuality because their philosophy of life is based on luxury. When these laws came into force, there was a strong reaction from the West that homosexuals have been insulted and their rights have been usurped.
Russian Athlete Yelena Isinbayeva, one of the greatest Russian athletes and pole vault champion, appeared in media and said in a historic statement. “This (culture of unbridled sexual freedom) would be an insult to our country and our people. We are different from you. We Russians are like that. We are normal people. Our men live with women and women live with men. Our whole history is like that. (I mean, we’ve never been gay) and we’ve never had a problem with that. Our people do not live this kind of (gay) life. Nor do they make inverted direct movements (referring to sexual gratification) in public places. We respect your rules, you respect our rules too. “
The Western media is to distort the facts and as a result, a front was opened against Yelena and her statement was interpreted arbitrarily. The emphasis in this propaganda was on one sentence, “You can’t walk away from the whole world.” There are 192 countries in the world. The culture you are defending is the culture of only 37 countries. How can you describe the whole world? We don’t consider you the whole world. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. And what you do should be the behavior of the whole world. So this retaliatory war pushed the Western media to the back foot.
Now, unfortunately, our media has been following the West. Therefore, they either do not allow such news to come and even if they bring it to the screen, they bring it on a very limited scale in such a way that it does not have any effect on the public. Otherwise, this one incident is enough to prove that “shame and humiliation” is not only a part of Muslim civilization. It is also present in non-Muslim nations. The only difference is that each nation has different boundaries according to its own temperament. Doesn’t it even exist in Chinese civilization? Isn’t this also included in pure Hindu civilization? This means that in terms of sexual freedom, we Muslims demand our weight.
This is the whole historical background that is why the United States, with the help of its traditional Western allies, is encircling Russia because these countries cannot tolerate any alternative statements.
It is just a hoax that “civilized nations” i.e. Western nations have a culture of tolerance. If they had tolerance, would have been trying to establish a NATO siege around Russia. Don’t Russians have the right to live their own lives? How did those who do so become advocates of “freedom”? Understand well that Ukraine is not joining NATO because it is threatened by anyone. Rather, it is joining because its ruler, imposed through a popular uprising, is turning his country into a NATO base on the Russian border for the United States. Putin will never accept this base. He will burn it to ashes but will not allow it to fall into the hands of NATO. Even in the war against Napoleon, the Russians had set fire to Moscow and turned it into a heap of ashes so that Napoleon’s dream would not come true. It was from this pile of ashes that Napoleon had to make his way back.
Now if we look at Tolstoy’s Theory of History, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is not because he is the creator of this history as the possessor of unlimited power, but because of the past in the continuity of history. The events have created an atmosphere in which Putin had no choice but to invade Ukraine. But if we accept the Western theory that the lone villain named Putin and his unlimited power is the reason for this attack. It is Putin who is responsible for all this. His free will is the reason for this attack, then we have to admit that if Putin was the president of the United States, he would have attacked Russia. If Italy had a prime minister, he would have attacked Vatican City, and if Ukraine had a president, he would have attacked Russia. Is that acceptable?
The West is imposing economic sanctions on it in response to its attack. Its biggest product is gas, which Europe buys. Vladimir Putin is a big fan of Dostoevsky for three reasons. The first is that Dostoevsky rejects the foreign system. Second, the prophecy of a foreign system in Russia a hundred years ago has come true. Third, Dostoevsky is convinced that the “individual” cannot be left alone with his tools, otherwise, he will be harmed. He believes in state control over the individual, does not believe in the unbridled freedom of the individual. This same admirer of Vladimir Putin has written one more thing in his non-fiction collection “A Writers Diary” a hundred years ago. And at least 22 of Putin’s meetings with the Chinese president over the last ten years indicate that Putin intends to follow Dostoevsky’s lead.
Let us conclude this article with the same instruction of Fyodor Dostoevsky. “Russia is not only in Europe. It is also in Asia. The Russians are not only Europeans but also Asians. Furthermore, Asia has greater potential for us than Europe. Asia may be our mainstay in our future destinations.”