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ISLAMABAD: In light of Paigham-e-Pakistan, the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) on Saturday issued an 18-point code of conduct to be observed during the holy month of Muharram.
The document, bearing the signatures of Ulema belonging to all sects of Islam, says it is incumbent on all citizens to remain loyal to the state; that any compulsion in the name of religion will be deemed as ‘rebellion’; similarly any militant activity, spreading violence and anarchy, will also fall in the same category.
It further reads that nobody has the right to declare any Pakistan Army, government and security official ‘Kafir’ (an infidel).
Religious scholars and masses have been asked to assist the country’s armed forces and law-enforcement agencies by not becoming part of the movements spreading prejudice and hatred on the basis of sect.
It has been made clear in the document that the groups violating this decree will be dealt with an iron hand.
Under the code of conduct, it has been made mandatory for people not to insult or degrade fellow Muslims.
Furthermore, the document says, there will be a complete ban on hate speeches from the pulpits of mosques or imambargahs.