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Every human being in the world wants to be successful in any area of life but does not know how to succeed. Everyone wants success, but they do not bring such qualities that make them successful.
Once a black child asked a balloon seller if a black balloon could fly, so the man replied, “Son, it doesn’t matter if it is blue or black. Whatever happens, it just flies.” That means the person who has virtues is the one who succeeds. It is necessary to be responsible for success.
However, some people think that in order to be successful, you have to be responsible as well as hardworking. In this regard, many people work hard but still do not succeed because they do not know the direction to work so all their hard work goes in vain.
For example, a man goes ten steps north and then ten steps south, which means he is where he started. Some people think that if a person has the ability, then he can be successful, but I do not think that a person can be successful without ethics.
The most successful and beautiful life in the world belonged to our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W). For this, it is not necessary to be rich or educated. Just become a follower of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and enjoy life.
Some people say that accumulating wealth is a success, some say power, and some say fame, but it isn’t. Qarun would have been the most successful man in the world if wealth is a success. Nimrod and Pharaoh would have been the most successful man in the world if power is a success.
In order to be successful in this world and in the hereafter, it is very important for a person to have three things. The first thing that is mentioned in the hadith is that the one who is guided by Islam succeeds. Secondly, the person who is satisfied with the sustenance is successful.
The third thing is that man can be when he removes the feeling of deprivation from his heart. For example, a man is a millionaire but there is a sense of deprivation that his wealth is less than other people.
Such a person is restless and fails. On the contrary, a man who fed his family with a big heart, then that man is a king, he thinks he has everything, such a man is the most successful man. The most successful person is rich in the wealth of faith and takes his faith safely to the grave.