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With the withdrawal of international troops, fears of a civil war in Afghanistan are making significant gains. The Afghan Taliban have launched attacks in the country and seized dozens of areas, while Afghan soldiers retreated over the border to save their own lives after clashing with Taliban militants.
Fear of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan has once again raised concerns among peace-loving citizens in the country, especially among women, who are deeply troubled by the Taliban regaining power. Moreover, the demand for burqas in Afghanistan has also increased since the withdrawal of foreign troops, while the Taliban are likely to seize more territory after the complete withdrawal of foreign troops.
Taliban-held territory
Logar’s 3 province
Laghman’s 2 province
Baghlan’s 10 province
Badghis’s 3 province
Helmand’s 2 province
Daykundi’s 2 province
Kandahar’s 8 province
Herat’s 3 province
Maidan Wardak’s 5 province
Ghazni’s 7 province
Faryab’s 10 province
Sari-e-pul’s 4 province
Farah’s 4 province
Ghor’s 4 province
Uruzgan’s 4 province
Jowzjan’s 7 province
Takhar’s 16 province
Samangan’s 4 province
Balkh’s 9 province
Kunduz’s 5 province
Zabul’s 5 province
Paktia’s 10 province
Badakhshan’s 23
Nooristan’s 2 province
Parwan’s 2 province
Nimruz’s 1 province
Paktika’s 3 province
Kapisa’s 2 province
Ningrahar’s 1 province
These are the Afghan provinces that have been occupied by the Taliban, and if the areas and districts are counted properly, then the Taliban now control large parts of the country. Afghan forces have completely failed to stop the Taliban’s movement in the country, while the retreat of the forces has led to the Taliban seizing more military posts in the country, and there are reports that the Afghan Taliban have taken over several regions.
During an operation on the Pakistani border, the Taliban also seized check posts of the Afghan army they share with Pakistan. The Taliban are now occupying the districts where they were already strong, without any resistance. Not just a few districts but the fear of the Taliban has reached among Afghan cities.
The security forces are surrendering without any resistance as the Taliban also captured the district of Shahr-e-Safa in Zabul province, which is now under the control of the Taliban. Following the capture of this district, the city of Qalāt has been surrounded from all sides. On the other hand, the Afghan Ministry of Defense has released a video that claims to have targeted Taliban hideouts in different cities.
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is more than 90 percent complete and return to the United States. In light of all this, human rights groups are calling on the State Department and the White House to provide 2,000 visas for women at risk during the escalating conflict in Afghanistan.
According to the US Central Command Senate, US officials have handed over seven of their positions to the Afghan Ministry of Defense, while human rights groups are calling on the State Department and the White House to address the growing situation in Afghanistan.
The current situation in Afghanistan seems to be gotten worse than in the past. Even Pakistan has warned to close its borders as tensions rise and in this situation, on the other hand, the Afghan President remains inactive in the whole alarming situation.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is allegedly fighting against the Taliban, but the surprisingly Taliban are still advancing more in the country. Given the speed of the Taliban’s attacks and seizures, it seems that the Taliban will soon gain control of the entire state.