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Rabia Butt has spoken up about weak characters being popular in dramas because that is what the audience likes to see.
Rabia said that in almost every Pakistani drama, a woman was depicted as the weaker sex whilst showing men having extramarital affairs. She also stated that a strong female character was always stereotyped as a villain and that this mindset should change.
Rabia explained: “The hero typically has an extramarital love interest. Our mothers are so strong, they’ve got all of us on our toes.” She questioned the writers and admitted that it was unfair to only hold the directors and producers accountable for such work.
Rabia turned her attention to the viewers and blamed them for the popularity of such storylines. “The audience who continues to watch is also culpable.
“If a drama is made featuring a strong woman and ends up being a flop, why would the production house deliberately risk loss? “The crying woman sells. This is why production houses adapt such stories. And how does this sell? Because people watch this.
“People lie when they say they want something else. They don’t. “They want the same old beaten and downtrodden woman who cries to herself in her room alone.”
Since beginning her acting career, Rabia Butt has often played headstrong women. Her role in Jeevan Nagar highlights a single woman moving into a close-knit community and opening up a gym to help women with their fitness.
She played a police officer in the mini-series Gunah to raise awareness of a female’s plight in a male-dominated society. Prior to the show airing, Rabia discussed her role on Instagram:
“In portraying the role of a righteous female police officer in the mini-series Gunah in a society where the rule of law is but a distant dream and women are deemed inferior to men.
“As a Pakistani actress, I cannot ignore the harsh reality of our male-dominated society and the imperfections within our law and order system. “Playing this character, my mind became a battleground of emotions.
“On one hand, the weight of responsibility to lead by example and deliver justice in such an arduous context pressed upon me. “On the other hand, profound empathy emerged for the countless women who face daily struggles in a society that fails to recognise their true potential.”