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Chandigarh: The Indian police on Sunday said the woman student accused in the Chandigarh University video leak case had shared only her own videos with a friend and said that no suicide attempt or death has taken place.
Following the major controversy surrounding the video leak incident, Mohali SSP Vivek Soni addressed a press conference and said they have found only one video of the accused herself. No suicide attempt or death has taken place, he confirmed.
“It’s a matter of a video being shot by a girl student & circulated. FIR has been registered in the matter & accused is arrested. No death reported related to this incident. As per medical records, no attempt (to commit suicide) is reported, ” said SSP Mohali Vivek Soni.
“So far in our investigation, we have found out that there is only one video of the accused herself. She has not recorded any other video of anyone else. Electronic devices and mobile phones have been taken into custody and will be sent for forensic examination,” Mohali SP said.
It has been reported that the girl made 60 such videos, but police said they came across only one video of the accused herself and she also admitted to having made only one video.
The girl who made the video was caught by the warden and other students. In the video, the warden can be heard saying that she was doing this misdeed for quite some time.
Earlier, it was alleged that the girl who made the video sent it to a boy in Shimla. It was said that the boy from Shimla circulated the controversial videos on social media.
It was said that when the girls got to know about this, at least 8 of them tried committing suicide.
The girls were admitted to different hospitals at around 2.30 am on Sunday. The condition of one of the girls is being said to be serious. Both, the girl who recorded the video and the boy who circulated it on social media, belong to Himachal Pradesh.
The girl students of the Chandigarh University alleged that the university management is pressurizing them to suppress the matter. Students claim that they complained to the college management, but they have not taken any action in the matter.