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Mona Lisa Bhonsale, the 16-year-old girl who became an overnight sensation at the Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, is set to make her Bollywood debut as the leading lady opposite Amit Rao, the brother of actor Rajkummar Rao. Amit Rao will also make his debut in the film The Diary of Manipur, directed by filmmaker Sanoj Mishra.
Bhonsale rose to fame due to her striking eyes, warm brown skin, and distinctive way of speaking. She caught widespread attention during the Maha Kumbh Mela, where a viral video showed her selling garlands in the festival.
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Recently, Bollywood director Sanoj Mishra visited Bhonsale’s village in Madhya Pradesh to meet with her and her family, during which discussions about her debut film took place.
Also read: Who is Maha Khumb Mela’s viral ‘Mona Lisa’?
Currently residing in Maheshwar, a town in Khargone district, Bhonsale has been selling flowers since childhood. It has been announced that the production and shooting for The Diary of Manipur are set to begin in February.