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Dr Moiz Hussain is a Sufi master, trainer of NLP, hypnosis, reiki and is the founder of the ‘Institute of Mind Sciences’. He introduced yoga in Karachi through his institute in 1986.
During his conversation with MM news, Dr Moiz Hussain discussed a wide range of mind sciences and revealed how colours affect people in different ways.
MM News: What is hypnosis and does it really exist?
Moiz Hussain: Hypnosis is real, it is basically derived from hypnotism, which means mesmerization. It is used for boosting motivation, pain control, and prevention from nightmares.
MM News: What medical conditions can be cured through hypnosis?
Moiz Hussain: There are many medical conditions that can be cured through hypnosis, like anxiety and fear phobia. Globally, it is used for pregnant women delivering without using drug anesthesia and is used in dental extraction. The practice was first used in World War 2 by an Indian doctor who treated soldiers affected by gangrene.
MM: Is it true that hypnosis is used in the corporate world?
Moiz Hussain: It is not only used in the corporate world but also in sports also. Many top golfers, tennis players, and even the Australian cricket team receive NLP training, a form of hypnosis.
The sales and marketing team are given the hypnosis training for boosting confidence to sell products to their customers. Leaders like George Bush, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton used such techniques in their speeches.
Moreover, hypnosis cannot be blamed for being misused similarly as medical sciences cannot be blamed if a patient accidentally dies by a doctor’s fault. Some people misuse hypnosis in robberies, etc.
MM: What is Reiki?
Moiz Hussain: Reiki is a Japanese word, means universal life force and was rediscovered in the 18th Century. A great achievement was witnessed in the US on cancer patients when this technique was used on them.
Transferring your energy into another body is ‘Reiki’. We all have energy within us, it teaches us to use it wisely and transfer it to others who need it. For example, people who are sick have low energy can acquire it from another person.
MM: Why is reiki considered ‘shirk’ in our society?
Moiz Hussain: Unfortunately, most people think it is shirk to practice reiki. We have a certified letter from a renowned Islamic University denying all allegations. As I mentioned before, reiki is a Japanese word, its practice contains Japanese words, hence, most people consider it not applicable for Muslims.
MM: How can colours affect our personality?
Moiz Hussain: Every colour has a vibrational frequency. Green boosts your mood, while blood is colour red as it is fiesty, fervent and is suitable for the body. Blue is soothing and absorbs negativity. A hyperactive child can be easily calmed if you paint blue colour on their room’s wall. The colour black is a sign of power. That’s why you will usually see businessmen, lawyers, and judges wearing black.
MM: Are treatments like hypnosis and reiki very costly?
Moiz Hussain: These treatments are not expensive in Pakistan. Such treatments are available in the country worth Rs.50,000 and globally cost around half a million. The most important thing is how you prioritise your health. I have sadly seen people investing money on a wedding dress that wears once but won’t go for expensive treatments that are beneficial for their health just because they are expensive.