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Food facts are something one really think about when eating a favorite meal. Food can either be a nutritious meal or a guilty pleasure.
We all have our weaknesses when it comes to what we like to eat. Few listed interesting food facts will amaze and enlighten readers.
Chicken contains 266% more fat than it did 40 years ago.
Coconut water can be used as a substitute for blood plasma in emergencies.
Honey is the only food that will never rot, it can last 3000 years.
Dynamite is made with peanuts.
Cornflakes have more genes than people do.
Hot dogs were the first food eaten on the moon.
There are more than 1,000 species of banana. We eat only one of them.
Almost 70 percent of the red meat eaten globally is goat meat.
Peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes.
People who eat spicy foods tend to live longer, according to a 2015 study.