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NEW YORK: The World Bank donors have approved to release of USD 280 million for Afghanistan to help alleviate the plight of people suffering from hunger and malnutrition.
The World Bank said in a statement that the money from the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund would be used to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan at this critical time.
The funds will go to UNICEF and the World Food Program, and they will use these funds to fill the financial gap in their existing programs so that health and nutrition services can be provided directly to the Afghan people.
The bank’s management proposed earlier this month to repatriate funds for reconstruction efforts. On the other hand, National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yousaf said that we are providing our air and ground routes to international donor agencies to help Afghanistan.
In a recent interview, National Security Adviser Dr. Moeed Yousaf said that Afghanistan was on the brink of disaster due to the threat of severe cold weather and famine. Pakistan wants to stop the Afghan crisis because it is our responsibility as a neighbour.