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KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah’s Adviser Murtaza Wahab has announced that the provincial government has decided to build an infectious diseases hospital in Karachi.
In a video on Twitter, Wahab said the hospital will be the first of its kind institute for infectious diseases in Pakistan. He further said the hospital which will have a 400-bed, will soon be completed and opened for the public.
He added that the facilities to treat coronavirus patients will also be installed at the hospital.”Around 100 ventilators will also be installed,” Wahab said.
Pakistan's First Ever infection Diseases Hospital to be build in #Karachi By @SindhGovt1 400beds +100 ventilators
Good initiative of @MuradAliShahPPP @SindhHealthDpt @AzraPechuho @murtazawahab1 @SaeedGhani1 #CoronaVirusUpdate— Waqas Baqar (@waqasbaqarnaqvi) May 9, 2020