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The government has approved the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations across national motorways, with plans for about 40 stations where charging will be billed at PKR 39.75 per unit.
This step is part of a broader strategy to support EV infrastructure, aligning with an initial policy announced on Thursday.
The policy also proposes financing facilities for two- and three-wheeler electric vehicles, a suggestion brought forward by Pakistan Banks Association Chairman Zafar Masood.
His proposal includes loans for companies interested in EV production at an additional 3% markup over the Karachi Interbank Offered Rate (KIBOR), benefiting both banks and EV companies.
During a recent meeting, the Secretary of Industry highlighted the importance of protecting EV battery assets and suggested further discussions with the State Bank of Pakistan.
He emphasized that the final stages of policy drafting are underway, with input from industry experts, including international consultants, to establish regulations, tariffs, and charging stations across motorways.
The National Highway Authority (NHA) has identified 40 potential locations for these charging stations along motorways, from Karachi to Peshawar, ensuring a minimum distance of 120 kilometers between stations.