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Renowned scholar Jalaluddin Rumi once said, “These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.” The majority of people think that older means wiser, but age has actually nothing to do with wisdom.
Every year in October, which is also my birthday month, I pen down my accomplishments and failures in order to point out what I have achieved during the past year. Each time I look back, something different happened to my nerves. Sometimes it is the stubborn feelings and sometimes it’s the fleeting awareness that leads me to cry for happiness or sadness or anything in between.
Such feelings like a mental breakdown, a change of heart, or endless debate in my head, always disturb me and increase my eagerness. But, the saying ‘no pain no gain’ gives answers to all my disturbing questions and helps me to discover myself. At a certain point, I might laugh how annoyingly stupid I was the previous year, or I might be torn because the changes that happened are too much to handle. Whenever I go through these notes, I realize one thing: the ultimate teacher of me is the damage that happened to me.
It may sound somber, but it’s another way of looking at our pain. Many successful thinkers develop from a turning point where they contemplate what life has done to them and what they would do afterward. People say it’s always darkest before dawn. We don’t know about what is coming next. I find that life is like throwing a dice where no matter how smart you are in counting probabilities of good lucks and bad lucks, reality may just prove you wrong.
When good luck strikes, practice gratitude over the small things and smile. Smile so hard that your jaw gets tired, laugh out loud to all silly jokes, crystallize every moment of satisfaction, and keep it safe so that you could always look back at the good times you’ve left behind.
And when the uninvited bad luck became hurdles, don’t sweat over it. Welcome it with a sincere hug and never let it slips away without any lessons learned. Never let anything goes unexamined, because according to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living. You can’t deny damages just like you can’t deny blessings.
As above mentioned, the pains that you have to go through are actually your messengers and you must listen to them.
In a nutshell, you will have to go through a lot of hardships in your life, but you must be able to understand that you should listen to those instead of running away from them. You must feel the pains, which will make you stronger over the years.
Remember that we never come to know everything from our mother’s womb. We grow with pains. So instead of running away from the troubles, you should start dealing with them. When you combat difficulties, you start learning how to make your life better. Make sure that you work each and every day for your own betterment.
A famous quote of poet E.Grin is, “I’m not who I was one year ago, and maybe, just this once, change is good.” You grow with pain not with a year and every year you become a different one.