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Richard McKinney, former US Marine sergeant might be retired but his hatred for Islam was getting worse. So, he decided that he was going to blow up the mosque, but praise to God, he became a Muslim.
During his military tenure, Richard McKinney had become eager to kill human beings and used to get a tattoo after a confirmed kill. He further said that he has witnessed things he cannot even discuss with the people.
I haven’t hated Islam since the start, but later I developed this hatred for Islam.
After Richard came back to the US, he was mentally upset and turned into an alcoholic and later gained a hatred for Muslims and religion.
I thought by blowing up the mosque, I would be doing a great job.
After so much hatred, Richard McKinney came in front of the Islamic Center, but not to bomb it, but to ask Muslims a few questions before he could take a stand against them. The management of the Islamic Center gave him the English Translation of the Holy Quran, and asked him to come back after he finished reading it.
After reading the Quran, he started coming to the mosque to seek answers to his questions, he further said that he never felt unloved, and people in the mosque never ill-treated me despite having so much hatred for them.
He said Muslims were very friendly people he had ever met. He started spending hours in the mosque and after 8 weeks he decided to accept Islam.