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PARIS: A recent study has revealed that moderate exercise is beneficial for a healthy immune system as it can protect people from getting sick.
A recent analysis published in the international journal Exercise Immunology Review explained that exercising daily can make a person feel happier. If a person is already sick, it could help the man recover faster, the study revealed.
Exercise and immunity is an often-debated topic and researchers have been studying it for years. On one hand, researchers say intense exercise without sufficient recovery can make you more susceptible to illness, but another study in 2018 claims to debunk the myth that intense exercise suppresses immunity.
“Exercise is good for us, but, we should not overdo it. People who already exercise should not exercise more just to increase their immunity,” says Dr. Sandra Kesh, who specializes in infectious disease and internal medicine. Heavy, long-term exercise (such as marathon running and intense gym training) could actually cause harm.
Studies have shown that people who follow a moderately energetic lifestyle, benefit most from starting (and sticking to) an exercise program. A moderate program can consist of bicycling with your children a few times a week, taking daily 20 to 30-minute walks, and going to the gym every other day.
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