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When it comes to healthy food, people give a lot of importance to vegetables but ignore fruits. There are fruits which are considered to be a lot healthier than your average vegetables.
You can even call them superfruits. Some of the nutrients present in these fruits cannot be obtained from any other food item. Even though sugar content in fruits is high, they are also known for their healthy antioxidants and phytonutrients.
Let us look at 10 of the most healthy fruits one can consume.
There is a lot of hype surrounding acai berries, particularly among people who are trying to lose weight. It is true that they aid in weight loss due to their high antioxidant levels. But, the benefits of these berries are not restricted to just weight loss. They provide many other health benefits. Acai berries are rich in flavonoids called anthocyanin which improve your blood circulation. They are good sources of vitamins which make your skin healthier. These berries reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your body which in turn makes your heart stronger. Juice made from acai berries is good for the health of your digestive system.
Apple is generally known as the king of fruits. It is the most popular fruit in USA and there is good reason for its popularity. Apple is the richest source of flavonoids, fiber and antioxidants. An antioxidant present in apple is known to promote the health of our nervous system. People suffering from Alzheimer’s disease should definitely consume apple juice daily as it increases the secretion of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which can improve the memory of the people suffering from this disease. Apple’s skin is particularly very rich in dietary fiber. That’s why one should never peel the skin off an apple before consumption. Apple is good for other common health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension too.
Banana is one of the most tasty fruits to grace the planet. Well, the taste of bananas is accompanied by good health benefits too. People suffering from diabetes should definitely add bananas to their diet. Nutrients such as pectin present in bananas help in moderating the levels of blood sugar. Even though they are rich in carbohydrates and taste sweet, one need not fear about bananas increasing the blood sugar levels. On the contrary, they keep them in control. This potassium-rich fruit also helps in controlling hypertension since potassium is an essential nutrient for reducing blood pressure. Fibers present in bananas also help in smooth digestion. People suffering from constipation problems need to eat at least 2 bananas before going to bed at night.
Grapefruit is another superfruit which promotes good health. People trying to lose weight would be happy to eat grapefruit since it is low in calories. This superfruit packs its punch with a lot of healthy nutrients. This fruit is one of the best sources of vitamins such as A and C. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system while vitamin A plays a crucial role in the growth and development of body cells. This would help slow down your ageing process. Its low glycemic index level means that diabetic people can safely consume this fruit and obtain its health benefits. Regular consumption of grapefruit would also reduce the risk of stroke.
Blueberry is a fruit which is considered as a rival to acai berry mainly because of its high antioxidant properties. It is actually known as the king of antioxidant fruits. People looking to lose weight quickly should definitely be eating this nutrient-rich berry. As per scientific studies, blueberries are known to reduce the damage caused to DNA due to ageing and lifestyle habits. Oxidative stress is the main reason for DNA damage. But, the powerful antioxidants in blueberries can easily combat oxidative stress. In addition to protecting our DNA, these berries also prevent our blood cholesterol from getting damaged. Since they have an impact on our cholesterol levels, they also help in the reduction of blood pressure.
Cherry is another superfruit rich in antioxidants. Cherries are particularly well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The anthocyanin phytonutrients present in this fruit are responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, cherries are effective in controlling arthritis. They also help in managing gout flares. The antioxidants in cherries help in preventing cancer too. Are you someone who struggles to sleep at night? Then consuming cherry juice before going to bed will help you sleep well. It is a natural remedy for insomnia. Since this fruit is a rich source of potassium, it will aid you in controlling your blood pressure levels. It is good for controlling your weight too. Eating this fruit on a regular basis doesn’t cause weight gain.
Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is another fruit known for its health benefits due to its high phytonutrient content. Eating one dragon fruit will give you 10% of your daily Vitamin C requirement. Most of you may already know how important vitamin C is to our body. The calcium offered by the consumption of dragon fruit would help you keep your bones and teeth strong. If you are lactose-intolerant, then eating dragon fruit daily would keep you from being calcium-deficient. It is also good for your immune system and helps protect against respiratory disorders. Phytochemical captin present in dragon fruits helps in the treatment of heart disorders.
Do you want a healthy heart? Then you need to be consuming a lot of grapes. Resveratrol, an antioxidant, present in grapes is responsible for keeping your heart healthy. Grapes contain a compound called malic acid which is helpful in protecting your teeth against discoloration. Once you add grapes to your regular diet, you never have to go for teeth whitening. Grapes which are red in color are capable enough to protect you against microbial infections. They are particularly known to be effective against polio virus. Purple grapes are known to help in the prevention of breast cancer in women. The antioxidant resveratrol is also effective against alzheimer’s disease.
Kiwi is a healthy fruit which is particularly good for your digestive system. People suffering from digestive gripes would definitely benefit from the regular consumption of kiwi fruit. It is also effective against other digestive disorders such as acid reflux, stomach bloating, constipation, gastroparesis and so on. Kiwi fruit is a good sleep inducer. Serotonin and other antioxidants present in kiwi can help you fight against insomnia. It is a rich source of dietary fiber. A nutrient called folate which is known for its medicinal benefits is found in good quantity in this superfruit. Regular consumption of this fruit can make your skin look beautiful.
Orange is another superfruit which is very popular. Eating a lot of oranges help you remain happy since they are known to be good for your emotional health. Do you want to prevent kidney stones or do you know someone who has kidney stones? Then ask him or her to drink orange juice daily. Not just kidney stones, orange is generally known to be good for your kidney. The carotenoids present in oranges can help fight liver-related disorders including liver cancer. Mandarin oranges are especially known for their cancer-fighting properties. Oranges can also help keep your hypertension in check since they can give an important electrolyte called potassium which is vital for the health of your heart. Orange can also prevent irregular heartbeat.