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When it comes to medicine, the people of the west are far ahead. This is because they have the better technology to treat bigger and deadlier diseases. However, when it comes to smaller chronic illness, the people of the west are too reliant on pills. These pills may help to fight the disease, but they don’t really eradicate the root of the problem.
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This is where the ancient medicine of the eastern people shines. There are a lot of ingredients which have healing factors. Listed below are 10 such ingredients.
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the worst diseases in the world because nobody wants to lose their memory. While no concrete reasons have been found for the occurrence, it is believed that it’s due to inflammation in the brain, that causes this disease to happen. Curcumin, commonly known as turmeric is an ingredient used in most curries and curry like dishes in South Asia. It is thought to be a cure for inflammation in the body. So taking more turmeric is likely to reduce the inflammation in the brain and reduce the chances of Alzheimer’s.
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Pomegranate juice is one of the tastiest things you can have. Now there are even more reasons to drink it. According to research, atherosclerosis in lab animals was reduced by 30 percent when they were given pomegranate juice. Another piece of research revealed that it helps to produce nitric oxide in the heart. Nitric oxide is known for relaxing the blood vessels thereby allowing a more healthy blood flow.
If you don’t want to look aged then you better start taking Vitamin E. According to research, people who take Vitamin E supplements and do regular exercise have shown to experience slower aging. Vitamin E is also helpful in order to lower blood pressure.
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With so many processed food in the markets nowadays, it is hard to find anything which is healthy. However, there is one item that you can always eat which is sure to provide you with healthier benefits and that is onions. All kind of onions are good for the body, but shallots are probably the best ones. They are known to contain the highest amount of antioxidant which is beneficial for fighting cancer.
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Everyone knows how important fish oil can be for the human body. It has numerous benefits. The most important one however maybe the use of fish oil to combat lupus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that may cause life-threatening complications involving the lungs, kidneys, and circulatory system. Fish oil helps the body to reduce flare-ups without having to use the harmful steroid. Fish Oil has also been shown to ease stiffening of the joints and even increase body fat burning whilst doing cardio.
Among all other vitamins, Vitamin K is the least heard of. However, with recent discoveries, Vitamin K have been found to be quite healthy for the human body as it can help to prevent heart attacks. Most leafy green vegetables are known to contain Vitamin K. They can also be found in supplements. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble, so make sure you eat something containing fat while taking Vitamin K.
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Zinc is an essential part of the human body. Without enough zinc, you can end up having problems including impaired healing, skin problems, hair loss, and night blindness. Lack of zinc can even lead to behavioral problems. In order to make up for the lack of zinc, you can always take zinc supplements which are widely available in most health stores.
A lot of food companies that produce sugary filled goods have started to produce an alternate version of their food. These alternate versions have been termed as low sugar goods. However, based on research done on one of these low-sugar foods, it has been noted that most of them contained the same calories, fat and carbohydrates as the original versions. These low-sugar versions don’t even offer any different nutrients either.
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Water is a major element in staying healthy. And yet people tend to ignore it after meals and prefer to drink alcohol. Alcohol is also fine as long as you keep it to a limit. But when you exceed your limit, you end up with hangovers. A major contributor to hangovers is the lack of water in the body. So if you drink a good amount of water before going to bed while drunk, then the symptoms of a hangover is likely to be reduced. You won’t need to take painkillers which have problems of their own.
Due to the overuse of antibiotics, the bugs in our body have grown immune to them. As a result, these bugs are no longer affected by antibiotics. Also, antibiotics have been known to eliminate both good bugs and bad bugs, meaning the good bacteria required for the body are also damaged. Hence, there is a call for the antibiotic alternatives. Essential oil has been known to cure ear bugs and may soon be used by everyone.