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WhatsApp has launched some exciting updates for its users. Among them, the instant messaging app now allows users to connect on up to four devices, even if their phones lose battery power.
WhatsApp has created an entirely new app for Windows to make linking devices even easier, with a faster loading time and a familiar interface. This means that chats stay synced, encrypted, and flowing, even after a phone goes offline.
In addition to this, WhatsApp has also doubled the number of participants who can be added to a single group from 512 to 1,024. This means that more users can be added to a group without worrying about space. Group admins have also been given more control, as they can now approve new member requests before adding them to the group.
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Another exciting feature of the new update is the ability for users to see groups they have in common with the contact they are searching for. This feature is particularly helpful when users cannot remember the name of the group but can recall the name of the participant.
WhatsApp consistently updates its features to facilitate its users worldwide. The company’s latest updates will undoubtedly make communication easier and more convenient for its millions of users worldwide.