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One of the biggest challenges in the journey of losing weight is the fear of gaining it back.
Hunger is not just physical but an outcome of physiological and physiological functions as well. To understand hunger triggers, one needs to step into a body’s system.
Here are five effective strategies to control hunger that triggers anytime:
1) Eat healthy breakfast
Create a breakfast of complex carbs, proteins – it will help keep up the energy, control hunger and keep you satisfied through the day.
2) Scheduling eating pattern
Scheduling the meal timings to prevent from overeating.
3) Eat slowly
Chewing and savouring each mouthful will help satiate your real hunger better. Pacing your eating will help you feel fuller with less food intake.
4) Have a glass of water
Real hunger comes with feeling tired, or lightheaded. Anything else is probably craving for that chocolate in the fridge or chips in the snack cupboard.
5) Add more protein
Eating more protein slows down digestion and helps keep a sustained energy release for a longer period of time.