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KARACHI: A new hashtag of ‘Boycott Movie Of Prophet’ has become a new trend in Pakistan.
However, strangely the movie of Muhammad P.B.U.H named “Muhammad: The Messenger of God” was released way back in 2015 in Iran. The movie was released in the year 2015. It is based on the real-life messenger of God Prophet Muhammad.
It is said that the movie will be released in India either on the OTT platform or in theatres. This has led the hashtag to become a top trend in India and Pakistan both as subjects such as showing any art form of Prophet Muhammad are not taken lightly in the Islamic faith of the Sunni branch.
Muslims in both countries have begun to vent on Twitter demanding a complete ban on the movie:
Raza Academy Demand To Stop The Distribution Of The Flim Muhammad The Messenger Of God Based On The Holy Prophet Of Islam#BoycottMovieOfProphet
— Raza Academy (@razaacademyho) July 5, 2020
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is a mercy for the entire Ummah and he is superior to all the Prophets. Making a film about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is against Islamic values— Muavia Azam ghazi (@muavia_ghazi) July 6, 2020
We don’t need to watch a movie to understand the personality of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The Holy Book and ahadees are enough to Give information. We would not let this trash of the world to use tag of Prophet.
#BoycottMovieOfProphet— ALLEE (@ALleE_Hxiii) July 6, 2020
#BoycottMovieOfProphetWe totally boycott this film and demand from the Government of India not to release it in India.#BoycottMovieOfProphet
— Shahid mirza (@Shahid37567645) July 5, 2020
We boycott this fitna with all our senses. The Qur’an and Hadith are enough to guide us.
Muslims around the world should speak out against this movie.#BoycottMovieOfProphet— Uman Malik (@U_3322) July 6, 2020
This is not acceptable, Almighty has forbidden filmography and these shitty ppl are going to release mov of his Beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw).Shame on you ppl for this step.If anyone wanna know about Prophet Muhammad u can find 100’s of books but not this#BoycottMovieOfProphet
— Arsalan Ali (@Arsalan_Ale) July 6, 2020
The movie that is being made on Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) must be boycotted before its release otherwise it will definitely decrease our iman rather than increasing. Also, filmography is strictly prohibited in Sharia law. Kind request to the makers, stop it.#BoycottMovieOfProphet
— چوھدری رضوان (@Charm9T) July 6, 2020
We Don’t need any type of movie to understand the personality of our beloved ❤️ Muhammd PBUH.#BoycottMovieOfProphet— Muavia Azam ghazi (@muavia_ghazi) July 6, 2020
There is no need of movie with these bad one’s characters to explain the Holy life of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) #BoycottMovieOfProphet
— Abdul (@Abdul69811926) July 6, 2020
#BoycottMovieOfProphetWe totally boycott this film and demand from the Government of India not to release it in India.#BoycottMovieOfProphet
— Shahid mirza (@Shahid37567645) July 5, 2020