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ISLAMABAD: Muslims of Pakistan and across the world are observing ‘Shab-e-Meraj’ ‘night of ascension with great respect, and reverence on Saturday.
‘Shab-e-Meraj’, also known as ‘Shab-e-Meraj-un-Nabi’ and ‘Laylatul Meraj’ is celebrated on the 27th night of the Holy Month of Rajab to recall the journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Jerusalem.
At the mosque of Al-Aqsa, which used to be the Muslims’ Qibla before the Holy Kaaba, Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led the former Prophets of Allah (AS) in prayer and then ascended to heaven to meet Allah Almighty.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on a special journey to meet the Creator of this Universe Allah Almighty, crossing seven skies on the heavenly animal named ‘Al-Buraq.’
The Isra night is also mentioned in Holy Quran in these words: “Exalted is he who took his servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of our signs”.
This incredible journey took place during a time when the Prophet (PBUH) was facing intense hardship because his tribe stood against him and his companions.
After leading the prayer in Bait-ul-Muqaddas, the Angel Jibraeel (AS) took Him (PBUH) towards the heavens.
Muslims observe this event by praying, congregating, reciting Holy Quran, and supplicating to Allah All Mighty. They also fast during the day from dawn to dusk.