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Today marks a monumental day for freelancers across Pakistan. SadaPay, thefintech that launched a business account (SadaBiz) tailored for freelancersearlier this year, announces that SadaBiz users will now be able to receivepayments via Apple Pay.
The announcement came as part of SadaPay’s first ever SadaSummit held atCOLABS. The event was attended by IT industry veterans, thought leaders in thefreelancing ecosystem and early adopters of SadaBiz. In addition to the ApplePay announcement, the agenda featured panel talks and fireside chats full ofoptimism for the future of Pakistan as a global freelancing hub.
Apple Pay’s user base, at 550 million, has surpassed PayPal’s 450 million. Notjust that, but the payment volume via Apple Pay is four times greater thanPayPal’s, and is growing at an exponential rate.
The reach is massive, withover 2 billion iPhones globally equipped with Apple Pay. SadaPay recognizedthis potential and its importance for the Pakistani market and its freelancersto have a popular and trusted payment rail available for their clients toeasily make payments.
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SadaPay also announced that SadaBiz willaccept payments via Google Pay, which is on a similar trajectory in terms ofuser adoption globally. SadaPay has stepped in to address the gap left byinternational payment companies, which have long ignored the Pakistani market.Taken together, SadaPay has connected Pakistani freelancers with 700 millionplus devices worldwide having Apple Pay and Google Pay access.
Another major reveal from the event wastheir brand-new initiative – SadaSchool.
According to their CEO, Brandon Timinsky, this is a service to the Pakistaniyouth brimming with talent. The free platform consists of Masterclasses thattake you from beginner to expert as a freelancer and a Discord community builtfor peer support and mentorship. They’ve built a network of experts and thoughtleaders in the space who host regular workshops to share their learnings ongraphic design, copywriting, programming, and other high-income skills. WithSadaSchool, SadaPay’s goal is to enable Pakistan’s digital generation to make asignificant mark on the global gig economy.