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A motorcyclist lost his life after being hit by a water tanker near Jail Chowrangi in Karachi, causing huge concerns amongst the citizens of the biggest city of the country.
According to the police, the water tanker drivers were allegedly racing when the motorcycle rider was caught in the accident. Rescue officials confirmed that the motorcyclist died on the spot, but his identity has not been confirmed yet. The incident caused sorrow and anger in public who took action against tankers.
Following the accident, enraged individuals set five water tankers on fire near Jail Chowrangi. However, the fire brigade managed to extinguish the flames. Earlier, a protest was also organized by the Dumper and Tankers Association in the city against such violent protests by the citizens.
Meanwhile, Sindh Interior Minister Zia-ul-Hassan Lanjar took notice of the incident involving the burning of tankers near Jail Chowrangi. According to an official statement, the minister has sought a report from the police authorities. It is noteworthy that since January 1, 2025, over 100 fatalities due to traffic accidents have been reported in Karachi.