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BEIJING: The percentage of people affected by coronavirus epidemic in China increased to approximately 638 on Wednesday, after Hong Kong recorded its first death from the disease and warnings for millions more to remain indoors in China.
The reported number of casualties rose to 638 in mainland China after the hardest-hit Hubei province reports stated that 65 more people had died the largest single-day count since the last month’s first deaths appeared.
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The virus has been confirmed in more than 20 nations, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to announce an international health emergency, many governments to impose travel bans and airlines to cancel flights to China. The novel coronavirus has started to spread with other countries including Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Earlier on Thursday, new research has claimed that wearing a salt coated mask could kill the coronavirus disease. Canadian research suggested that by placing a layer of salt on the same mask can kill the virus effectively.
The research further stated that the viruses get trapped in the holes of the mask, and the wearing of the mask can cause the virus to stick to the fingers and hands. So there seemed to be a need for a virus-mask.
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