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LAHROE: The shooter, who was caught seconds after firing shots at the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Wazirabad on Thursday, described the motive of his action as religious one in nature.
In his first confessional video appeared online and circulated by some prominent journalists, he claimed that the Long March didn’t pay respect to Azan (call to prayer) and continued to play music during their course of politics.
— Syed Talat Hussain (@TalatHussain12) November 3, 2022
However, twitterati reacted with anger and posted hundreds of such videos in which Najam Shiraz could be seen busy in Azan while standing a top the container. A user Huzaifa Baloch posted video and contended that PTI always took break for Azan and Namaz during all of their politicla activities.
Shame on those who says it was a religious matter which trigger the assassinator. @PTIofficial always takes a break at the time of Azaan and Namaz and Najam Shiraz is calling Azaan with the long march from Lahore.#SackGeneralFaisal #Peshawar #HatTrick #ریڈ_لائن_کراس_ہوگئی
— Huzaifa Baloch (@HuzaifaBaloch21) November 4, 2022
Hours later, another video of the shooter appeared online in which he is heard saying ““I wanted to kill Imran Khan because he claims prophethood by comparing himself with prophets,” adding that he had no regrets about what he did – rather his regret he says is he couldn’t do that.
Meanwhile, latest reports suggest that the shooter will undergo polygraph test after twits and contradictions in his statement. He was reportedly shifted to CTD cell in Chohang, Lahore, where further investigation was underway.