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ISLAMABAD: The agriculture consumers of Discos and KE have to pay Rs23.30 per unit from November 2022, all-inclusive despite the Rs3.60 per unit relief announced in base tariff by the federal government, Business Recorder reported on Sunday.
According to the Power Division, Nepra’s determined tariff for agriculture consumers is Rs24.51/unit and the Government of Pakistan is already subsidizing it and charging at Rs16.60 per unit, hence, a subsidy of Rs7.91/unit is already being provided with the financial impact of 98 billion per annum. The Power Division maintains that the reduction of base rate by Rs3.60/ unit means that the remaining taxes and other charges will remain applicable as usual, hence the tariff for November 22 for agriculture consumers will be Rs23.30/unit. The impact of fixed charges is Rs 1.03 per unit, FCA Rs0.08 per unit, QTA, Rs4.66 per unit, debt servicing Rs0.43 per unit, and taxes/duties Rs4.10 per unit.
In light of the urgency of the situation, the Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research requested permission from the Chairman of the ECC to present the issue as an additional item on November 29, 2022, and it was granted.
On October 31, 2022, the prime minister introduced the Kissan Package, the ECC was notified. On November 11, 2022, the ECC received the Package’s finalized draft. The proposal relating to the Power Division on “tariff for electric tube wells fixed at Rs.13/unit (FCA and other taxes will be charged)” was not properly approved by the ECC. Following a presentation to the Prime Minister and consideration from the Finance Division, the package will be brought before Cabinet for approval. This was the direction given by the ECC to the Power Division.