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The Pakistan Air Force has been ranked at 7th position globally, according to the Global Firepower report. This ranking is based on aircraft inventory, including fighter jets, helicopters, and support aircraft.
With 1,434 aircraft flying under its colors, PAF remains among the biggest air forces on earth. According to the IHS Jane’s list, US remains number one with an incomparable air strength comprising 5,737 helicopters and 1,854 fighters. Russia has a sizeable contingent followed by China, India, South Korea, and Japan.
The report concludes with the untouchable supremacy of the U.S. Air Force with its inventory of aircraft outnumbering the total power of Russia, China, India, South Korea, and Japan. In fact, America possesses 5,737 helicopters, 1,854 fighter jets, and 3,722 support aircraft. The army is supported annually by a budget of $800 billion, which is close to almost 40% of the global defense spending.
Russia, at number two, possesses one-third of the air power of the United States, with 1,554 helicopters, 809 fighter jets, and 610 support aircraft.
China ranks third, and it has invested heavily in the modernization of its air force, introducing a sixth-generation fighter jet recently and pushing efforts to develop supersonic aircraft.
India, South Korea, and Japan come later with the number of air fleets containing 2,296, 1,576, and 1,459 aircraft. With 1,434 aircraft, Pakistan stands at seventh rank and includes fighter jets, helicopters, and support planes. The rest of the top ten consist of Egypt, Turkey, and France with respective inventories of 1,080, 1,069, and 972 aircraft.