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When people diet, they usually end up facing severe hair fall because when a person goes on a typical weight loss diet, they tend to eat food that is low in carbs and calories.
Let’s find out the major reasons for hair loss people face while they are on a diet:
Lack of nutrients
Restricting food intake often ends up lacking nutrients in the body which directly affects our metabolism, preventing blood and oxygen from reaching the hair follicles.
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This phenomenon further weakens the roots of our hair and leads to hair fall.
Emotional stress
Restricting various food intakes while on a diet often causes emotional and physical stress, leading to hormonal imbalance, which directly affects our hair follicles.
How to prevent it?
According to health experts, the only way to prevent hair fall while maintaining a healthy diet is:
- By not giving up on calories totally. Completely giving up on them makes you feel stressed and fatigued, further affecting the hair’s health.
- By avoiding restrictive diets. Restricting one particular nutrient may end up creating a deficit in the body.
- By avoiding crash diets as it is rightly said that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. Crash diets may show immediate results, but in the long run, you will end up experiencing several side effects and associated health hazards.