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LAHORE: In a welcome respite for the consumer, the price of chicken meat came tumbling down after a series of astronomical rises. Reportedly, according to a private TV channel, the price of chicken meat fell by another Rs 29 a kilogram.
Referred to in the official price list, the new price of chicken meat is Rs 403, the price was Rs 432 yesterday.
A drop in chicken meat prices is matched by a drop in the price of live broiler chicken. The wholesale price of live broiler chicken land down Rs 20 a kilogram, now finally selling at Rs 264.
Accordingly, the retail price for live broiler chicken has halted at Rs 278 per kilogram. As of present, the price of broiler chicken in Multan is at Rs 264 per kilogram in wholesale, over and above the retail price at Rs 278 per kilogram.
In Multan, chicken meat has been priced at Rs 400 per kilogram. It is to be given due thought that yesterday the chicken price in Islamabad was referred to as Rs 400 per kilogram, seeing from the view that there is a consistent decrease in prices across these regions.
This development is indeed welcome news for the households and enterprises that have recently taken a big hit from the price hikes in chicken meat supplies.