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An Alaskan Malamute by the name of Meiko has announced its candidacy for the office of Mayor in Anchorage, Alaska.
Meiko’s owner Robert “Ziggy” Zeigler says he has the right disposition for the job, and he’s a good boy.
In some cities, people have elected dogs (or other animals) as honorary mayors or mascots, often as a fun and symbolic gesture rather than for actual, you know, governing abilities. These elections are usually held as fundraisers or community events and do not involve the animals in actual decision-making processes. Except probably when dinner is served and when belly rubs are given.
Meiko is certainly not the first dog to run for office, because a lot of other dogs have actually served as mayors.
Lucy Lou, a Border Collie, served as mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky from 2008-2016. Rabbit Hash’s current mayor os a French Bulldog named Wilbur. Actually, Rabbit Hash has never had a human mayor and the first pup ever elected mayor was dog named Goofy Borneman in 1988 who won a four-year term (he tragically died before his term ended).
Duke, a Great Pyrenees, was first elected mayor of Cormorant Village, Minnesota, in 2014. He was reelected three times. He sadly passed away at the age of 13 in 2019. Stubbs, an orange tabby cat, was mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for 20 years.